Cobra Venäjältä mukaan Poikien E01- ja E02-kilpasarjoihin


Venälänen seura Cobra osallistuu turnaukseen kahdella joukkueella. Joukkueet osallistuvat Poikien E01- ja E02-kilpasarjoihin. Joukkueiden valmentaja Kseniia Svalova kertoo lisää joukkueista.

Our team is called Cobra. We live in the northern city, it’s Arkhangelsk. In winter temperature can reach 35 degrees and over. Nature of our region is very beautiful in every season. Who loves fishing, hunting, mushroom and berry or want to enjoy the beautiful places, can easily visit our city.

Most of our players are from the school № 27. In our group there is one girl and 17 boys aged 9-13 years. The guys started training in kindergarten, where they also participated in the competitions and became the winners of tournaments in Arkhangelsk. In our town boys of 2002, 2000 date of birth participate in tournaments, approximately 10-12 teams. Just about 12-16 teams take part in Russian competitions. Our team also participates and also wins prizes. Starting this year, our team trains in a large comfortable sports hall, thanks to our sponsor “Sevdorstroy Logistic”. Our participation in the tournament Helsinkijuniorchallenge will be due to children’s parents and our sponsor.

We start training in September and finish the training process at the beginning of June.

Our team does not have experience playing in international competitions. But we have a great desire to play floorball, cohesive team and player-coach!
We prepare to this competition very thoroughly and solve a lot of problems for the trip. All children will visit Helsinki and Finland for the first time. We want to get a lot of positive emotions from the tournament, and a lot of experience of playing floorball in the international arena.

Kiitokset kirjoituksesta joukkueenvalmentaja Kseniia Svalovalle!

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